Bringing light into the word. Another meditation from the Baal Shem Tov
God said to Noah, "Make a skylight (tzohar) for the Ark (teivah), and finish it to a cubit above" (Genesis 6:16). The Baal Shem Tov explained the verse as follows: Make the word (teivah) of Torah or prayer radiant, for in every letter there are worlds, souls and Godliness. They rise up and are bound and united with one to the other with Godliness. Then the letters unite and are bound together, forming a word.
Then they make true yichudim (unifications) with Godliness. A person must include his soul with every one of these aspects, and then all of the worlds are united as one, and arise to make great joy and delight ad infinitum. This is the meaning of [the continuation of the verse] "make first, second and third levels" i.e., worlds, souls and Godliness.
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